As mentioned previously, I had had an idea to have another junction box filled with LED controller PCBs and running 32 LEDs in exciting patterns. Over time I went right off the idea, realising that
less is more and the few glowing lit-up panels I already had were plenty. Scrapping the idea was easy, but what to do with all those power and switch cables?

Freed from the constraints of the old junction box (shown above) by not having to fit PCBs in, I opted to keep all the cables runing into a much smaller box. Box? No...a Cylinder!

I was at the auto store and felt myself inexorably lured like an innocent gnomish moth to the big chrome 'candles' in the 'bling bling' section. Chrome candles? Well, chrome exhaust pipe extensions! Choosing a suitable victim I toddled home and covered it in masking tape. Some careful marking, and scribbling out and re-marking later I started drilling.

Small pilot drill, bigger drill...and biggest drill! It got a bit hot and left some gum from the masking tape.

Some goo-remover later. 12 Jack sockets were added...

And two threaded hose fittings were vinyl dyed black. Mounting holes were marked and drilled...

...threaded inserts and rubber O-rings added, and the cylinder mounted on the case...before everything is plugged/screwed in. A rubber oil cap plugs the top.

Cables all tidy and another place for a logo!
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